it’s not just a game, it’s a game changer.

Here, Janet Vinciguerra, the Author of the foundational books Tools To Build Great Kids and Sharpen Their Saw and our Founder of KIDS WHO CARE: Parents Building A Foundation for Generations, speaks to you with a heartfelt message.

We support and encourage parents, grandparents, and all who care about children.  This unites and empowers each of us as we intentionally inform and equip our children with the tools to navigate life. The vision of KIDS WHO CARE is to help parents build the Character & Confidence in each child that brings families together and contributes to re-building Character in humanity, beginning right in our homes.

More Than Just a Game,
It’s a Game CHANGER

Wisdom in the Bible
About STAR Qualities

By Building Good Character & Confidence in Each Child
You Create A Legacy of Integrity
That Passes to Future Generations.


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