In A Few Minutes-A-Day
You Make A Difference In Each
Child’s Character & Confidence…

…Now You See What Really Works
from Decades of Experience.
Select One

Proven Steps to More
Confident, Caring Children
The Steps to Empowering
Happier, Successful Teenagers
Give Each Child That Wise Inner Voice
for a Life of Good Decisions

“As a parent, I’ve found the Sharpen Their Saw activities book to be a priceless tool in helping instill character in our children. In a world where so many parents are focusing on giving more things to their children, the activity book has been invaluable in helping us put more good things in each of our children. Thank You!”
Darren Vinnett, Parent
New Orleans, LA
“Janet Vinciguerra speaks about the most important thing we, as parents, can do — intentionally build character and confidence in our children! She impacts parents and children with genuine encouragement and substantive tools.”
Carolyn Santos,
The Communication Coach
Cleveland, OH
“As a parent I loved the messages and the results. My three young children learned new vocabulary and became able to identify Star Qualities in themselves and others. They were motivated by the tools included in the program. It opened the door for my family to engage in meaningful conversations. Great info and practical tools for families!”
Amy Budzar, Parent
Fairview Park, OH
Welcome! It’s no coincidence you are here.
Here, parents find an uplifting and confidential space. It is a space free of judgment. As a parent you get to use the tools proven over decades to build character and confidence in young children and teenagers.
You are now equipped with what really works.
Like thousands of individuals before you, you can experience wonderful, positive
growth in each child and in your family.

By Building Good Character & Confidence in Each Child
You Create A Legacy of Integrity
That Passes to Future Generations.
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