The tools & bundles to build great kids

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crafted and proven effective from 30 years
of experience in the classroom.


Benjamin’s Word a Day Vitamins

A collection of the 50 STAR Quality Power Words

The Word A Day Vitamin bottle contains 50 STAR Qualities that empower people to be their best. (Families adjust the number of vitamins as are age appropriate.) The goal of each daily STAR Quality/Vitamin is to understand the meaning of what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like. It raises awareness and is a fun way to give families the social and emotional skills to:

• Make Wise Choices

• Take a stand for the good

• Know who they are

Name that Star Quality

“Family Game Show” 

This downloadable Family Game Board gives the family the opportunity to raise their awareness of the 50 STAR Qualities. Everyone competes to be the first to finish or to score the most points.

Everyone gets to name the STAR Quality WORD that is defined on a square of the Family Game Board.

Add more fun using treats as game markers! Everyone raises their awareness of the 50 STAR Qualities and celebrates the good in themselves and others as Champion Leaders.

Honor Meal Placemat

By recognizing a child with this Honor Meal Placemat, a parent decides when and why to celebrate a child. When it comes to a child’s Character & Confidence, “the clay is still wet”, still shapeable, still forming. A parent who uses the Honor Meal Placemat gets to recognize and celebrate a child’s integrity, or honor, or courage, or any STAR Quality. It’s a moment in the spotlight and a recognition of the Good in children, teens, and even parents. A parents recognition empowers a child to feel good about demonstrating courage in the face of fear, doing the right thing because it was the right thing to do, or
treating others with integrity or honor. The admiration a child receives from family and friends with the Honor Meal Placemat motivates more of the same.

Give, Save, Spend Labels

Using the Give-Save-Spend Labels, parents guide children in deciding how to allocate personal cash. When a child receives cash from jobs, birthdays, or holidays, it’s an opportunity to give the child the guidance they actually need to create a positive, lifelong behavior pattern. The results from using Give-Save-Spend Labels inspire and encourage generosity, delayed gratification, and goal setting, and they help as the “antidote to the selfish child”. The Give-Save-Spend Labels give parents a wonderful
opportunity to guide their children.

I’m in Charge of Me Bookmark

This adorable and purposeful Bookmark gives a child ways to “be in charge of me”. The bookmark is a collection of ways to make wise choices that result in privileges. The bookmark raises the child’s awareness of situation in which they can practice self-control and can avoid common excuses that block them from opportunities and that hold them back from earning freedoms. It becomes a handy reminder that helps children and teens Stop and Think before Acting. It helps a child in building “That Wise Inner Voice.“

Bundles to Build Great Kids

“That Wise Inner Voice” Collection

Designed with your individual needs in mind, “That Wise Inner Voice” Collection is a resource of 10 Activity Bundles containing 6-8 downloadable activity pages from the companion activity book, Sharpen Their Saw. Each of the 10 Activity Bundles intentionally focuses on one of 10 STAR Qualities of Champion Leaders (choose from among the list of 10 below). Equip your child or teen with social and emotional skills that empower them with “That Wise Inner Voice” to make good choices that impact life decisions.

You May Choose Any of These
10 Activity Bundles designed to build:

By Building Good Character & Confidence in Each Child
You Create A Legacy of Integrity
That Passes to Future Generations.


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