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Janet Vinciguerra Serves As An Important Messenger
Speaking To Organizations & Audiences Of All Kinds
And Interviewing With All Channels of Media.

“As a parent, I’ve found the Sharpen Their Saw activities book to be a priceless tool in helping instill character in our children. In a world where so many parents are focusing on giving more things to their children, the activity book has been invaluable in helping us put more good things in each of our children. Thank You!”

Darren Vinnett, Parent
New Orleans, LA

“Janet Vinciguerra speaks about the most important thing we, as parents, can do — intentionally build character and confidence in our children! She impacts parents and children with genuine encouragement and substantive tools.”

Carolyn Santos,
The Communication Coach
Cleveland, OH

“As a parent I loved the messages and the results. My three young children learned new vocabulary and became able to identify Star Qualities in themselves and others. They were motivated by the tools included in the program. It opened the door for my family to engage in meaningful conversations. Great info and practical tools for families!”

Amy Budzar, Parent
Fairview Park, OH

Experience the Power of Janet’s Messages

In Janet Vinciguerra’s wise voice, she speaks to parents and educators in solidly trustworthy messages about the possibilities and the process that builds character & confidence in children, in just minutes-a-day. Parents listen and honor Janet. They value her stories and the proven activities that equip parents with just the right tools. Speaking from deep experience, she reflects kind acceptance of families, of parents, and of children just as they are, and a determination to empower them in building a higher level of mutual respect and uplifted conversation.

Your parent organization, educator community or leadership team will be enriched and refreshed and inspired hearing what Janet speaks!

Invite Janet Vinciguerra to Speak to Your Audience About

the Power of Giving Children “That Wise Inner Voice.

A hands-on expert for media interviews on specific challenges and wonderful
opportunities building Character & Confidence in children;
A take action speaker to parent organizations & educator community groups;
A visionary creator equipping parents to Build A Foundation for Generations!

Our Most Popular Speeches for Parents:

The Blueprint

Raise Kids Who Care

That Wise Inner Voice

Nurture a Happy Home

The Invitation

The Blueprint

That Wise Inner Voice

Raise Kids Who Care

Nurture a Happy Home

The Invitation

The Blueprint

8 Steps to Build Character & Confidence in Kids
and Peace of Mind for Parents

  • Discover proven methods that empower parents with tools to build character and confidence in each child.
  • Build a foundation of integrity for generations.
  • Focus on the essential elements of the Blueprint to Build Strong Families who care, value priorities and boundaries.

“That Wise Inner Voice”

Intentionally Give Them Your Wisdom that Lives for Generations

  • Braid the 50 STAR Qualities of good leaders into the fabric of their day with this 5-minute morning routine that transforms families to become their best selves.
  • Gain the motivation to care about their reputation as the Champion Leaders others want to follow.
  • Transform that disappointing NO into that positive Next Opportunity.
  • Enjoy the benefits of giving your child “That Wise Inner Voice” with the people skills he needs to succeed.

Raise Kids Who Care

How Children Earn Privileges, Opportunities, and Freedoms

  • Being trusted pays big dividends. Think relationships and Résumé!
  • Witness the Transformation from Self-Centered to Caring for Others & Leading
  • BE a PEACEMAKER: first to Humble, self-inspect and how to apologize
  • Hear your child say those 7 comforting words.

Nurture a Happy Home Where People Care

Intentional Character Building That is Braided Into Your Day

  • Experience the process to determine and build a foundation of integrity, family priorities and boundaries.
  • Create your Family Touchstone/Pledge of Excellence that helps families get along with kindness and mutual respect.
  • Help your child hear “That Wise Inner Voice” that lives beyond you and to future generations

The Invitation

Your Child’s Best Friendship of a Lifetime and Beyond

  • Help your child invite Jesus as their Best Friend: bringing love, honor, and peace to his world.
  • Give your child the assurance that God made him, Jesus loves him and wants to be his friend.
  • Choose to love others, because He first loved us and asks us to live The Golden Rule.
  • Awaken Your Child to what makes Jesus smile.

By Building Good Character & Confidence in Each Child
You Create A Legacy of Integrity
That Passes to Future Generations.


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