Gifts & Christmas in a box

The Nest Cards: Abide, Rest & Fly

Crafted to respond to whatever challenges you may be facing, these scriptures address feelings from A to Z. From Anxious to Overwhelmed to Zapped, and 24 more in between, you’ll feel stronger and better equipped to navigate life with these declarations of God’s Word to lift your spirits.

Items from Christmas In A Box
Purchasable Individually As Gifts!

Sweet Dreams Pillowcase

At the end of the day of honesty and integrity, it feels good to put your head on your pillow and know you did your best. The scripture verse on the pillowcase, John 8:32, reminds us of God’s love for us.

Blessing Cards for Children & Adults

Blessing Cards for Children: 100 pack, whimsical design of 3”x5” cards
Blessing Cards for Adults: 100 pack, artistic design of 3”x5” cards

Blessing Cards for children and adults are an intentional effort to either be a blessing to someone else or to notice the many blessings in your life.

The habit of writing them down raises awareness and brings an attitude of gratitude.  Living with a faith-driven law of abundance mentality reminds us, “All that we are, and all that we have, are because God has blessed us”. It shifts focusing on self to looking for ways to be a blessing to others.

Each year: Wrap the cards in a pretty bow or collect them in a box or small decorative bag and revisit them in the Christmas season to count your blessings again.


Experience the joy of both being and receiving God’s blessings.

Christmas in a Box:

12 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas

Designed to experience Christmas from the perspective of “what’s on Jesus’s birthday wish list and what He would love to receive from us,” this interactive family activity intentionally honors Jesus as the Reason for the Season.

Enjoy the 24 days of the Advent season with kid-friendly faith-builder activities and family fun. See how the “non-tangibles” like Love, Joy, Peace, Trust, and Relationships become “tangible” with these Birthday Gifts for Jesus.

Help your family shift from the “gimme more presents” mentality to a focus on, “How can I love others the way Jesus loves me?” Experience a nicer, kinder version of your family this Advent season. When all the Christmas decorations return to their storage box, we keep Jesus out of that box by continuing to give him these gifts all year. Ideal for ages 5-12+ and perfect for that childlike spirit in all of us.

Included inside Christmas in a Box:

• A Christmas in a Box 40-page Booklet containing the Story of the 12 Gift Items
• Twelve (12) Faith Builder Activities—Ornaments & Gift Tags
• Three (3) Good For One Family Fun cards
• Thirty (30) “The Blessings Cards” for Children
• One set of “Give Save Spend” Labels
• Two “Sweet Dreams” Pillowcases
• One Birthday Candle

Order your complete Christmas in a Box HERE.

By Building Good Character & Confidence in Each Child
You Create A Legacy of Integrity
That Passes to Future Generations.


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