Each Group Below
Has Proven What It
Takes to Build
Character & Confidence
in a Child. . .

Each Group Below
Has Proven What It
Takes to Build
Character & Confidence
in a Child. . .

…We’ve All Seen, Heard and Felt What it Takes

The Character Education Partnership which guides K-12 schools in processes that develop children’s Character, and which acknowledges & awards the most outstanding schools;

the national organization Character Counts, renowned for its decades of focus on uplifting the importance of Character;

dedicated teachers whose decades in the classroom have proven on the front lines what it takes and who watch as children and teenagers transform through the power of Character education;

and all of us who have empowered Building Kids Who Care to create the tools that parents can finally use in the home, tools rooted in proven success principles and established national standards;

– all of us have proven what it takes to build Character and Confidence in each young child and in each teen.

We have all witnessed the transformation from instilling Character and how it builds a foundation for life – a life of good decisions guided by Character, and a life of good choices guided by “That Wise Inner Voice.”

Home is where it starts.

Words Matter. Thoughts Matter. Actions Matter.

The outcomes that all of us parents create are the result of our words, our thoughts, and our actions. What comes back to us as a result of building a strong foundation in our homes include:

• Peace of Mind for parents;

• Confidence that each child develops in themselves;

• Mutual respect among the family;

• Honor in our homes that takes us all to a higher level of living; and

• Quality relationships that extend well beyond the family.

1. Give Your Family the Power of Words.

Uplift the STAR Qualities of Champion Leaders valued in our culture.

Define what each of the 50 STAR Qualities looks like, sounds like, and feels like.

Setting priorities with a consensus about the character attributes valued most in your family results in what you might consider a family vision of excellence. A family’s pledge to live by that vision refl ects in every decision, every day.

“Practicing the STAR Qualities of Champion Leaders builds ‘That Wise Inner Voice’ to make good choices that impact life decisions.”

Janet Vinciguerrra, Founder of Kids Who Care

2. As We Think, So We Are.

Give each family member powerful thoughts.

Looking for and verbally recognizing the 50 STAR Qualities intentionally positions parents as their child’s advocate and coach, and at the same time, instills the character qualities that others value and reward.

Witness a shift in yourself and a transformation in your child’s Confidence and Character as you recognize and acknowledge when your child demonstrates the STAR Qualities of Champion Leaders.

Give each child opportunities to practice new social and emotional skills through moral actions and service to others. Reap the harvest of great Character & Confidence that comes from doing and giving of ourselves with the mindset of gratitude.

“You find what you look for. The ‘good’ that you acknowledge multiplies, and what you ignore, tends to go away.”

Janet Vinciguerrra, Founder of Kids Who Care

3. Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Empower each child with the tools that give them that Light that Shines within, which causes others to want to follow their leadership.

Give each child the actual tools that provide opportunities to grow emotional and social skills that lead to quality relationships, work habits, and healthy life skills.

As parents, our time invested results in peace of mind both now and as our legacy. Self-motivation, self-control, confidence, and competence are the by-products of a strong foundation. These tools, provided by the 8-Step Blueprint give a child insights and experiences in which their trustworthy choices lead to privileges, opportunities, and freedoms.

“It’s easier to leave a thumbprint when the clay is still wet, and it’s never too late to intentionally impact those who care.”

Janet Vinciguerrra, Founder of Kids Who Care

Words Matter.
Thoughts Matter.
Actions Matter.

When these 3 things are present, families experience a change in themselves and transformation into stronger families.

It’s intentionally giving our children “That Wise Inner Voice” to make good choices.

Outcomes We See for Parents
Using the Books & Proven Tools:

• Experiencing More Family Harmony
• Increasing Kindness and Mutual Respect

• Acknowledging Each Others’ Good Behaviors
• Noticing Your Child’s STAR Qualities of Champion Leaders

• Being Able to Describe How Each STAR Quality Looks, Sounds & Feels
• Hearing your Child Ask, “What Can I Do To Help, Mom?”

• Seeing a Better Work Ethic, Attitude and Motivation in Each Child
• Witnessing Your Child Lead With Integrity & Resist Negative Outside Influences

• Nurturing Each Child’s Spirit of Generosity & Thinking Outside of Themself
• Empowering Each Child with “That Wise Inner Voice” which Grows and Leads to a Lifetime of Good Decisions

By Building Good Character & Confidence in Each Child
You Create A Legacy of Integrity
That Passes to Future Generations.


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